The DOS Bird-a-Thon results are in and our Road Runners team put another feather in their cap! The team raised $8,868, earned 1st place in their category, and finished 2nd overall. They want to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for everyone's support and encouragement. They couldn't have done it without all of YOU!
Here's the backstory:
On May 8 the Road Runners Bird-a-Thon team spent 12 hours combing Sussex County looking for birds. Here's a link to their eBird trip report with a map and checklists of the 118 species they found: https://ebird.org/tripreport/233790. The annual DOS Bird-a-Thon raises funds to help purchase and conserve wildlife habitat in Delaware. (Photo of 2024 Road Runners left to right:Sue Gruver, Rob Blye, Tom Stock, Sharon Lynn, Carol Blye, Rob Schroeder, and Nancy Cunningham)