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The Sussex Bird Club partners with local organizations to improve habitat for wildlife and promote the knowledge and enjoyment of wild birds. This year we made donations to the Purple Martin Conservation Association, DE Bird-A-Thon, Lewes Public Library, Friends of Prime Hook, and Friends of Cape Henlopen SP,  Past donees include Delaware Wild LandsDE Botanic Gardens, DE Center for the Inland Bays, The Nature Conservancy, and DE Seashore Preservation Foundation. In addition to financial support, here are some examples of other ways we have supported our community and advanced our club's interests.

Lewes Public Library
Since 2020, the Lewes Public Library has hosted our monthly meetings and live streamed the presentations via Zoom. This partnership allows people throughout the world to learn about SBC and enjoy our interesting and informative programs virtually. Our membership has soared to 240 due in large part to the Library's publicity and technical support!
This year SBC donated a solar-powered camera/bird feeder to the library.

Delaware Bird-A-Thon
Since 2014 our "Road Runners" Bird-A-Thon team (Sue, Rob B, Tom, Sharon, Carol, Rob S, and Nancy) has raised more than $60,000 toward preserving critical bird habitat in Delaware! Read more about the Bird-a-Thon and the Road Runners. Click here to see the 2024 eBird checklist and map.
Friends of Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge
Bird Walk Leaders -- The Friends of PHNWR sponsors free bird walks on the first Saturday of each month. SBC provides leaders for the monthly walks on refuge trails.
Signage -- We partnered with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife, Coastal Camera Club, and Friends of Prime Hook to design, purchase, and place signs at Fowler Beach.
Delaware Kestrel Partnership
President Edward Crawford presented a Go Pro Camera and accessories to Jordan [Brown] of the DE Department of Fish and Wildlife, for use on their Kestrel Project, which is studying ways to stem the decline of this beautiful bird in Delaware. By using a "camera on a stick" a nest box monitor can more easily and unobtrusively view the interior of a nest box.
For more information go to American Kestrel Monitoring and Management or contact
Horseshoe Crab & Shorebird Festival
in conjunction with
Prime Hook NWR and Milton Chamber of Commerce:
SBC provides leaders for free bird walks at the refuge.

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